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Courses and Lectures - Spring Semester 2025
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Courses and Lectures - Spring Semester 2025
Bachelor in Biologie - 1. + 2. Studienjahr
Pflanzenbiologie (Vorlesung, 3 ECTS)
Praktikum/POL zu Pflanzenbiologie (1.5 ECTS)
Pflanzenökologie I (Vorlesung, 3 ECTS)
Praktikum/POL zu Pflanzenökologie I (1.5 ECTS)
Pflanzenexkursionen zur Einführung in die Feldbotanik (2 ECTS)
Vegetationsökologie (Vorlesung, 2 ECTS)
Praktikum zu Vegetationsökologie (2 ECTS)
Pflanzenökologie II (Vorlesung, 1 ECTS)
Praktikum zu Pflanzenökologie II (1 ECTS)
Pflanzen in ihrem Lebensraum. Pflanzenexkursionen für Fortgeschrittene (2 ECTS)
Bachelor in Biology - 3. year (Specialisation in Plant Sciences)
Advanced Plant Biology: Plant Ecology / Pflanzenbiologie für Fortgeschrittene: Pflanzenökologie (lecture/seminar/practical, 5 ECTS)
Advanced Plant Biology: Community Ecology (lecture/seminar/practical, 5 ECTS)
Colloquium in Plant Sciences / Kolloquium in Pflanzenwissenschaften (1.5 ECTS)
Colloquium in Plant Transport Physiology / Kolloquium in pflanzlicher Transportphysiologie (1.5 ECTS)
Independent Work in Plant Ecology / Selbständige Arbeit in Pflanzenökologie (3 ECTS)
Plant Ecological Field Course / Pflanzenökologischer Feldkurs (3 ECTS)
Pflanzenökologische Auslandexkursion: Sardinien (4 ECTS)
Pflanzen in ihrem Lebensraum. Pflanzenexkursionen für Fortgeschrittene / Plants in their habitats. Plant excursions for advanced beginners (2 ECTS)
Research Practical in Molecular Plant Physiology / Forschungspraktikum in molekularer Pflanzenphysiologie (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Molecular Plant Physiology, with bachelor work / Forschungspraktikum in molekularer Pflanzenphysiologie, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Palaeoecology / Forschungspraktikum in Paläoökologie (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Palaeoecology, with bachelor work / Forschungspraktikum in Paläoökologie, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Paleogenomics / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzenpaläogenomik (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Paleogenomics, with bachelor work / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzenpaläogenomik, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Genetics and Development / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzengenetik und pflanzlicher Entwicklungsbiologie (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Genetics and Development, with bachelor thesis / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzengenetik und pflanzlicher Entwicklungsbiologie, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Ecology / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzenökologie (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Ecology, with bachelor work / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzenökologie, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Diversity (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Diversity, with bachelor work (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Insect Interactions / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzen-Insekten Interaktionen (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Plant Insect Interactions, with bachelor work / Forschungspraktikum in Pflanzen-Insekten Interaktionen, mit Bachelorarbeit (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Crop breeding Genomics (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Crop breeding Genomics, with bachelor work (10 ECTS)
Research Practical in Discovering Novel Plant-Derived Medicines (7.5 ECTS)
Research Practical in Discovering Novel Plant-Derived Medicines, with bachelor work (10 ECTS)
Seminar in Molecular Plant Physiology / Seminar in Molekularer Pflanzenphysiologie (2 ECTS)
Seminar in Plant Ecology / Seminar in Pflanzenökologie (1.5 ECTS)
Colloquium in Plant Biotic Interactions / Kolloquium zu "Biotische Interaktionen der Pflanzen" (1.5 ECTS)
Vortragsreihe Naturforschende Gesellschaft Bern, biologische Vorträge (1 ECTS)
The importance of biodiversity for sustainability. Seminar (6 ECTS)
Pasteur to today: managing biorisks and the broad spectrum of biosafety and biosecurity (2 ECTS)
Courses in Plant Biology at the Universities Fribourg and Neuchâtel (BENEFRI) / Lehrveranstaltungen in Pflanzenbiologie an den Universitäten Fribourg und Neuchâtel im Rahmen von BENEFRI
R Coding Club, Application for Ecology (1 ECTS)
Molecular Plant Physiology (5 ECTS)
Journal club: Plant diversity (Seminar, 2 ECTS)
Seminar in Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimatology (3 ECTS)
Quaternary Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (lecture, 3 ECTS)
Holocene Vegetation History of the Central and Southern Alps (Field Course, 2 ECTS)
Palaeoclimatological and Palaeoecological Excursion to the Swiss Plateau and the Alps 2 ECTS)
Plant-microbe interactions (lecture 2 ECTS)
Solving Current Challenges in Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Module 2b (5 ECTS)
Anatomy and Biophysics of Plant-Atmosphere Gas Exchange. Lecture and individual work/practical (5 ECTS)
Gene regulation in plant biology (2 ECTS)
International Training School in Quantitative Wood Anatomy using ROXAS (2 ECTS)
Tree rings and climate. Block course (1.5 ECTS)
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Spring Semester 2025
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Institute of Plant Sciences
Courses and Lectures
Courses and Lectures - Spring Semester 2025