
Year left
Left for
Dr. Caterina Penone
Postdoc 2024 ResearchGate
Dr. Hannah Inniger
PhD student
Hintermann & Weber AG, Ecological consulting, planning and research
Adina Arth
Science Officer
2024 ZHAW School of Management and Law LinkedIn
Marc Beringer
Technician 2024
Noëlle Schenk
PhD student
2024 School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL GitHub
Ivana Cervenka MSc student
Dr. Biraj Adhikari
PhD student
2023 UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) LinkedIn
Vanessa Fricker
MSc student 2023
Maja Pfund
MSc student 2023 LinkedIn
Dr. Armin Komposch
PhD student
2023 Product Manager Forest Protection, Forest protection Bernese Mittelland LinkedIn
Nicolas Zurbuchen
MSc student
2022 University of Zurich, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies LinkedIn
Jessica Wang
MSc student
2022 SAFOSO Junior Consultant LinkedIn
Dr. Graham Prescott Postdoc 2022 The Biodiversity Consultancy LinkedIn
Dr. Sarah Bürli PhD student 2022 Research group Ecology of Prof. Sabine Rumpf, University of Basel
Dr. Clemens Kleinspehn
PhD student 2022 LinkedIn
Dr. Andreas Ensslin
Postdoc 2020 Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques (CJB), Genève
Dr. Eva Spehn
2019 Swiss Biodiversity Forum LinkedIn
Dr. Tobias Züst Research associate 2019 Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany at the University of Zürich LinkedIn
Dr. Lisanna Schmidt Postdoc    
2019 Applied Ecology - Université de Fribourg LinkedIn
Dr. Rafael Molina-Venegas Postdoc    
2019 Global Change Ecology and Evolution - Universidad de Sevilla
Dr. Kathleen A. Mackie Postdoc    
2018 Agriculture Forestry, Food Science & Management - Bern University of Applied Sciences LinkedIn
Dr. Ruben D. Manzanedo PhD student 2018 University of Harvard and the University of Washingotn, USA ResearchGate
Samuel Massa MSc student 2018 KSE Bern
Dr. Malte Jochum
Div - Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung
Dr. Steffen Boch
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL ResearchGate
Dr. Petr Dostál
Postdoc 2017 Department of Population Ecology . The Czech Academy of Sciences
Dr. Hugo Vincent   
PhD student 2017 Community Ecology, University of Bern ResearchGate
Joëlle Ast   
MSc student 2017
Nico Heer MSc student 2017 LinkedIn
Jonas Léchot MSc student 2017 CORMO AG
Pascal Süsstrunk MSc student 2017 Lehrer, Orientierungsschule Kerzers
Dr. Fabrice Grassein Postdoc 2016 ResearchGate
Dr. Pete Manning Postdoc 2016 Senckenberg Research Institute - Frankfurt am Main ResearchGate
Dr. Christine Föhr PhD student 2016 Stadtgrün Bern - Projektleiterin Fachstelle Natur und Ökologie
Sheila Maier MSc student 2016
Dr. Stefan Blaser Postdoc 2016 Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Dr. Anne Kempel
Postdoc 2016
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Barbara Schmitt PhD student 2016  
Juliet Blum
PhD student 2016 Marine Officer,  IUCN
Andreas Ensslin PhD student
Botanic Garden Meise, Belgium
Jodok Guntern Env. sci. 2015 Forum Biodiversität Schweiz, SCNAT
Gemma Rutten PhD student
Spanish National Research Council Madrid, Spain
Dr. Yuan-Ye Zhang
Postdoc 2015 Xiamen University, China
Neduvoto Piniel Mollel PhD student 2015 Tropical Pesticides Research Institute - Arusha, Tanzania
Andrea Dellsperger MSc student 2015  
Dr. Corina Del Fabbro Postdoc
2014 Pro Natura St.Gallen-Appenzell
Christophe Bornand PhD student 2014
Stephanie Frei MSc student 2014
Rachel Imboden MSc student 2014
Selina Schulz MSc student 2014
Simona Stoll
MSc student 2014
Pius Winiger MSc student 2014

Yvonne Bühler

MSc student


Juliane Preukschas

PhD student


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin UFA-Samen, Nützlinge

Judith Minker



Theres Imhof



Matthias Berlinger

MSc student

Dr. Eric Allan Postdoc 2013

Dr. Vit Latzel


2013 Czech Academy of Sciences , Prague

Madalin Parepa

PhD student


University of Tübingen - Plant Evolutionary Ecology

Dr. Oliver Bossdorf

Postdoc 2013

University of Tübingen - Plant Evolutionary Ecology

Mialy Razanajatovo

PhD student


University of Konstanz

Thomas Chrobock

PhD student

2012 Naturschutzreferent, NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein

Joël Baumann

MSc student

2011 TV-Inlandkorrespondent für die Region Bern Freiburg
Dr. Wayne Dawson
Postdoc 2011 Research associate at University of Konstanz

Lidewij Keser

PhD student 2011

University of Konstanz

Dr. Patrick Kuss
Postdoc 2011 Research associate at University of Zürich
Patrick Nater
MSc student 2011
Stephanie Socher
PhD student 2011 Botanische Staatssammlung München
Mark van Kleunen
Group leader 2011 Professor at the University of Konstanz
Xiaoyong Chen
Visiting scientist 2010 Back at East China Normal University
Dr. Romain Mayor
Postdoc 2010 Collaborateur scientifique CJB
Dr. Daniel Schläpfer
Postdoc 2010 Postdoc at University of Wyoming
Zhengwen Wang
Visiting scientist 2010
Anna Bucharova
Visiting scientist 2009
Dr. Melanie Glaettli
Postdoc 2009
Delphine Kolly
MSc student 2008 ÖkoBüro Fribourg
Dr. Florence Noël
Postdoc 2008 University of Sydney, Australia
Birgit Seifert
PhD student 2008 University of Potsdam