The outstanding plant scientist Prof. em. Dr. Otto Hegg, who came to the University of Bern via the second educational route, has died at the age of 93. His life's work, characterised by the combination of theoretical approaches with intensive fieldwork, includes significant contributions to nature conservation and community ecology, among them the "Atlas schutzwürdiger Vegetationstypen der Schweiz". He was director of the Institute of Systematics and Geobotany, which was later merged with the Institute of Plant Physiology to form the Institute of Plant Sciences.
Otto Hegg devoted himself to the broad field of vegetation science, both as a basic science and as a tool for nature conservation research. ‘We can only protect what we understand’. Promoting the understanding of ecosystems, and vegetation in particular, was Otto Hegg's central concern. Plant sociological aspects were also central to him and of great interest. His attention was always consciously and critically focussed on not allowing basic and application-oriented research to diverge.After his retirement, he was actively involved in the Schynige Platte Alpine Garden and shared his knowledge in numerous courses and guided tours. Otto Hegg inspired numerous biology students and left behind an important legacy through former students who now work in nature conservation offices, ecological offices and research.
«I ha einfach Glück gha» - ‘I was simply lucky’ is written in his obituary. The IPS was also able to benefit from this good fortune and is grateful to Otto Hegg for it. We are very sad and will keep Otto Hegg in honourable memory.