Dr. Eva Malecore

Post doc

Plant Ecology / Botanical Garden

+41 31 684 49 38
T 102, main building, 1st floor
Postal Address
University of Bern, IPS
Plant Ecology
Institute of Plant Sciences
Altenbergrain 21
3013 Bern

I am a biologist working on different aspects of plant ecology since my Master studies. My interest broadly includes plant ecology, multi-trophic interactions, alien plant species, pollination biology and conservation ecology.

During my PhD at the University of Konstanz in Germany, I explored Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis, including different aspects of a plant’s life and multi-trophic interactions. My focus was on how the success of an introduced plant depends on its phylogenetic relatedness to the native community. During my Masters in South Africa I worked in Ndumo Game Reserve and in the Natal Museum in Pietermaritzburg on alien plant removal and its effect on arthropod communities.

Since June 2020, I am working at the Botanical Garden in Bern on ex-situ plant conservation, addressing the risks and the relevance of different factors for plant performance in ex-situ cultures. The aim is to provide science based guidelines for ex-situ plant conservation. This means I collaborate with relevant actors both within and outside academia, in order to implement the findings of my research. Together with InfoFlora and the Botanical Garden of Genève, we organize a biyearly workshop to bring together and update the ex-situ plant conservation community of Switzerland on the most recent findings on the topic. Currently, in collaboration with RegioFlora and on behalf of the BAFU (Federal Office for the Environment) and the BLW (Federal Office for Agriculture) I am contributing to the writing of a concept for ex-situ plant conservation in Switzerland.

My current projects include, among others: studying the role of heterospecific pollen interference between common and rare species; a project on ruderal annual species investigating the role of stratification; determining the potential of using green roofs for conservation purposes; a project on the tiny mousetail (Myosurus minimus), a species that currently has only a single population in Switzerland.

I also teach statistical analyses with R from time to time and intend to develop a course on advanced statistical analyses for ecologist for doctoral students and postdocs.

Number of items: 3.

Journal Article

Malecore, Eva M.; Berthelot, Sylvie; van Kleunen, Mark; Razanajatovo, Mialy (2021). Reciprocal heterospecific pollen interference among alien and native species. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 50, p. 125610. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2021.125610

Malecore, Eva M.; Dawson, Wayne; Kempel, Anne Sybille; Müller, Gregor; van Kleunen, Mark; Jacquemyn, Hans (2019). Nonlinear effects of phylogenetic distance on early-stage establishment of experimentally introduced plants in grassland communities. Journal of Ecology, 107(2), pp. 781-793. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.13059

Working Paper

Malecore, Eva M.; Fischer, Markus (8 April 2024). Pollen interference between rare and common species (Authorea). Authorea 10.22541/au.171256495.50469983/v1

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 04:36:54 2025 CET.


Malecore, Eva M.; van Kleunen, Mark (manuscript submitted for publication). Effect of competition from native on alien species in a multi-trophic setting. Published on Preprints, 10.20944/preprints201910.0132.v1